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  • Writer's pictureCinema Subtex

Episode 6 Five Feet Apart: Big Time Attention to Little Known Issues

Updated: Apr 24, 2019

Before we begin, we want to bring attention to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. After this podcast if you feel you want to learn more or even donate to this foundation please head over to their website at

Cystic fibrosis is a horrible disease where people will produce too much mucus which causes the lungs to get clogged. Without regular treatment, the disease can be fatal. The life expectancy is lower unless you get a lung transplant, which is still temporary up to 5 years.

This movie brings attention to something unaccepted and sheds it in a new light. It’s not fast cars, action, drama. It’s a real problem that many people deal with.

Something we take for granted is the sense of touch. Can we imagine a world where we can’t touch, hug, or even kiss our loved ones? This movie really captures how we take it for granted. Most relationships are sometimes built off of physical intimacy. They had to develop a relationship Five Feet Apart.

IMDB gave the movie a 7.1/10

Rotten Tomatoes gave the movie 55%

Was the movie bad? Or did it leave you with a bad feeling, therefor it was scored low? Leave your comments below of what you think.

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